Tuesday 27 November 2012


Exterior brief (landscapes).


For our first brief we were given the task to carry out some exterior photography, we were to take 10 images outside where we would not be in charge of the weather or the lighting conditions.

In Thursday's class we got together in groups to come up with ideas as a group and create mind maps for our ideas on street photography,
below is my mind map;

I than went on to choose rural photography basing my images on three separate locations which were;
  1. Dover beach , Dover , Kent, 
  2. A small park near my house,
  3. and finally Debdale park.

I than went on to consider what equipment i needed to be able to shoot at my chosen locations , as well as what to consider in aspect of the angles and colors of the images that i would shoot.


The equipment i used in order to take my image's where as follows,

  1. 4GB memory card, 
  2. Canon 600d for the first half of the project than i went on to a Canon 650d, 
  3. Canon 18-55mm lens.
I than went to my chosen locations where i had decided to take my images in order to take a brief walk around the areas in order to choose which subjects to photograph as well as the angles that i would photograph them in order to be able to capture the location at its best possible angle.
At first i chose to shoot landscapes without horizon's but i than went on to change my mind to photograph all landscapes with and without horizons.


I used natural lighting throughout all of my images which meant i had to keep changing mi iso due to the changing lighting conditions .


I lost some of my final images due to losing my camera and memory cards, so i am not able to place all of my final images up , but the remaining ones are below;

(Canon 650D , 1/120, F-18)

(Canon 650D , 1/120, F-18)

(Canon 650D , 1/120, F-18)

(Canon 650D , 1/120, F-18)

It took me around two weeks to be able to capture all my images due to the changing weather conditions as well as finding the time to be able to go out and shoot.


Due to this being the first time i have really put my mind to doing landscape photography i was rather pleased with my final images, i do feel as if i should have managed my time a lot better when it came to doing the actual photo shoots. 
I believe i could have done a lot better on my overall images by correcting such things as the sky  being over exposed . I was rather pleased with my depth of field image as this was the first time that this technique actually worked out well for me.
I did not retouch or change my images in any way due to not having the software or the knowledge to be able to carry these actions out.Now due to the knowledge i am gaining in class i feel a
lot more comfortable to use photoshop on my images as well as re-sizing them. 
All together i believe that i have done a lot better than i expected , but i am also aware of the actions i need to carry out in order to improve my images for my future brief's.

Tuesday 13 November 2012



I decided to go to Manchester Piccadilly on a Saturday just to do some extra street photography because when i went with the class i was using a Nikon, while i'am used to using a Canon. So i gathered all my kids together and set of for a couple of hours. Below are a few of my images from that day.

I really enjoyed taking images in town and of people as every person tells a different story by style and expressions.

Wednesday 7 November 2012



Today we started looking at unit 25 Studio photography, after going through the health and safety and equipment in the studio, we were set a task to produce a image using different accessories and lights. Below are my images and what equipment was used to produce the final images.

  • A square soft box

 The above image was taken using flash lighting and a square soft box. I like this image as the soft box allows the light to be evenly placed over the model while highlighting the model.

  • A soft light / beauty dish

 The above image was taken using flash lighting with a soft light ( beauty dish) attached to the flash. I like the beauty dish as this accessories allows the light to also be evenly reflected over the subject. 

  • A snoot

 The above image was taken using a flash light with a snoot attached to the light. The snoot allows a narrow beam on light to appear on the subject. At first i was not to sure about the snoot as the image seems a bit moody and mysteries due to the light, but after reviewing the images i like the way the light changes the mood of the model.

  • A snoot with an attached honey comb

 The above image was taken with flash lighting , with a attached snoot and honey comb. The honeycomb really changes the mood of the image. It makes the image low key by placing the light onto the subject instead of the background.

  • Long soft box

 The long soft box is another one of my preferred lighting types due to the light being reflected evenly over the subject as well as the back ground being dark.

  • Discharge tube light with a deep reflector.

 I think this image was a very playful light as it is very bright. This is a constant light form with a deep reflector attached, i think this light is ideal for families and fashion shots.

  • Redhead light ( wide setting)  

 This image was taken with a constant light source ( using a redhead light) in a wide setting. The light appears to be rather dim on the subject but is a good mood light.

  • Redhead light (close focus setting)

 Using the same light as the previous image but this time using a close focus setting the light seems to be a lot brighter on the model, showing more details upon the subject. I am not to keen on this light as the light seems rather harsh upon the models face.


  •  Umbrella

For the above image i used a umbrella mounted on a flash light. I really like this type of lighting as the light is spread out fairly across the whole image and makes the completion of the model very sort and welcoming. I would use this light for most portrait and family images.

I really enjoyed using the studio equipment and accessories to be able to take my images. I wish i had used a second light in order to lose the shadows created by using only one light. 

Tuesday 6 November 2012



I decided to go to the Trafford Center in order to do my test shots for my interior brief.

 On my above image i used a wide focal length in order to be able to capture the shops, people but my main aim was to catch the water being shot up from the water fountain below within the frame.

 Here i captured one of the Dolphins which is part of the water fountain, but i focused in a bit to much so that the water is going off the image and re-entering a little bit further along the frame.

 On the above image i used a slow shutter speed, in order to make the moving water appear like mist within the image.

 The above image is my best image from the images that i took within my trip to the Trafford center.
I used a slow shutter speed to be able to blur the water , while allowing the fountain to remain in clear focus.

 In the above image i used a medium shutter speed to allow the water to be seen in its proper form,

 The above image was shot using a wide focal view, to capture the background as well as the stature.

 On the above image i used a 18mm focal length to be able to capture the image up close. I find the colors of the fake marble and the white of the stature very appealing to the eye.

 Here i used a short focal length, to be able to capture the detail's upon the statures face as well  as the body.
 This is another one of my favorite images from my day at Trafford center even thought the image is a very simple image, i like the way that the dof can be seen through out the image.

 Here i have used a short focal view to capture this image. I found this building very appealing as well as beautiful, especially how the color of the ceiling matches the clock as well as the lights allowing the image to all come together.

 The reason i took this image was because i liked the way that two of the escalators where full of people while one was only carrying two people, i also liked the fact the the one in the middle was going down the other two where going up.

 Here i used a short focal view of 18mm, It took me quite a while to be able to get this shot due to people walking into the frame.

 Here i shot using a short focal view as well as  depth of field to make the coloums behind the main subject fade out slightly.

Here i shot the floor due to liking the two different colors of the flooring as well as being able to see the glass.

Altogether i really enjoyed taking images in the Trafford center, and i really like the images that i have taken even though it was quite challenging at times due to the location being so crowed. 
My best images are the ones where i have used slow shutter speed as well as depth of field.