Monday 8 October 2012



To start off with i had decided to do my brief on castles and old buildings, but when getting down to Deal /Dover i was unable to be able to have the time to gain access to these buildings. So i than decided to turn my attention to the beaches right outside my Nan's house so here are a few of my images.

In the image above i was standing on Deal Pier looking out across the pebble beach . This image was shoot using a Canon 600D and using focal length 18 on a 18-55m lens.

This image was taken where walking along the beach, i thought the sea gull looked so peace full standing on the rocks within the sea. This image was taken using focal length 55 on a 18-55m lens, using a Canon 600D 

 The image above was taken of Deal beach, here i used a shot focal length of 55 as i wanted to bring the sea deference's closer to the camera.

 The image above was taken on the same part of the beach as the previous image but was shot using a wider focal view of 18.

 Here i have taken an image of the different textures on the beach i loved the way the larger stones and pebbles seam to have created a wall between the smaller pebbles and the water
 Here i have shot one of the new sea deference's that where being built along Dover beach i shot this image with a wider focal view of  18 to be able to show the length of the wall.

Here i have captured some of the rocks that have now become covered in moss and seaweed , i took this image when the tide was out to be able to capture the little pools of water in between the land. This image was also shoot with a wide focal view.

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